Research & Analysis

Frum Article Blaming Ethanol for Putin’s Actions in Ukraine is Bad Analysis & Historically Inaccurate

Rather than more drilling or new mandates, we need a genuine all-the-above strategy to permanently deprive despots and dictators like Putin of their power over our economy and our security. We don’t need government picking winners and losers. A technology neutral and market-based Clean Fuel Standard can diversify the fuels we use and the resources used to produce them. Clean Fuel Standards also happen to be the most cost-effective transportation policy to address our other major global challenge — climate change.

Big News! Clean Fuels Standard Act Passes New Mexico Senate

Yesterday, the New Mexico State Senate passed SB-14, known as The Clean Fuel Standard Act. This was done during a special session known as a “short session” where lawmakers are meeting for only for 30 days to consider legislation.