The Low Carbon Fuels Coalition (LCFC) is a nonprofit trade association with a proven track record of success in building industry consensus and winning broad support for clean fuel standard policies.

Clean Fuel Standards:

  • Leverage the power of the market to drive innovation

  • Provide long-term certainty for investments in new technologies and large-scale projects

  • Spur billions in investments and new living-wage jobs

  • Lower greenhouse gas emissions

  • Reduce air pollution

  • Decrease health costs for asthma and other serious health effects of air pollution

  • Convert waste streams into marketable fuels

  • Promote economic development in agricultural and rural communities

  • Create fuel market competition

Real-world experience proves that a market-based policy design is the most cost-effective and efficient path to reduce carbon emissions and unleash the across-the-board economic, health and consumer benefits.

The LCFC is a convener and consensus builder for a big tent. Our members represent diverse industry sectors, fuel types, and business interests, while being united in support for all-of-the-above and market-based policy.

  • We empower our members with timely reporting on policy developments, customizable advocacy and communications tools, and exclusive insider analysis on state and federal clean fuel happenings.

  • We provide opportunities for members to collaborate on topics of common interest such as promoting sustainable agriculture practices, facilitating use of wood and plant waste for fuel, and increasing the availability and use of renewable jet fuel.

  • We support our members with both decades of policy expertise and legislative campaign experience -- wherever opportunities arise.

  • We represent our members in publicly advocating for clean fuel standards at industry forums; in legacy, digital and social media; through broad relationships and key alliances; and in international and collaborative multi-lateral initiatives.