Fueling Policy Blog Authors

Robin Vercruse is Executive Director of the Low Carbon Fuels Coalition. She specializes in building consensus and gaining support across the political spectrum for policies to diversify both transportation fuels and the sources used to produce them. Robin has a Master of Environmental Science and Management from the Bren School of UC Santa Barbara, with a focus on energy and climate change.

Natalie Burdick is Membership & Outreach Director of the Low Carbon Fuels Coalition, where she applies her deep background of diverse roles in for-profit and non-profit industries, as well as with political campaigns and grassroots organizing, to advocate for her policy passions. Natalie holds a B.A. in Economics from UCLA.

Don Schinske, Operations Manager, is a Swiss Army knife with varied skills in newspapering, lobbying, non-profit consulting, and small-business management. He has a Masters in Journalism from UC Berkeley and BAs in Economics and Literature from Claremont Men’s (now McKenna) College.

Eric Frey joined Gevo in 2022 as the Vice President of Finance. Though he is a biophysicist by training with a PhD in Physics from Rice University, his career has largely focused on clean energy investment banking, supporting structural changes underway in global energy systems to drive toward low and zero carbon solutions. Eric served as Director at Citigroup for eight years, where he executed more than $70 billion of M&A and capital markets transactions. He helped launch the Clean Energy Transition investment banking coverage group in 2021, where he advised public and private energy transition companies with a focus on low-carbon fuels, specifically Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), and renewable diesel (RD).